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12/17/20 Angelica Chow, PE, LEED AP BD+C
Women @ Mazzetti Spotlight: Sarah Jane Madole
“Every human under the sun should be treated as equal in value and dignity, and we should strive for this equality across the industry. Women bring so many strengths to the table, and we need women in healthcare planning - for their worldview, for their strength, for their compassion, and for their knowledge. These beautiful differences are what make women amazing and should be celebrated in the workplace.” - Sarah Jane (SJ) Madole, Technology Internal Information Consultant
2/07/19 Angelica Chow, PE, LEED AP BD+C
Women at Mazzetti - Action in the New Year
Ringing in the new year, Mazzetti hired seven new employees including five women, hence the slight increase in percentage of women and percentage of women in technical positions.
Women@Mazzetti Spotlight: Chelsea Quigley
Chelsea Quigley is a newly promoted Associate and Plumbing Designer in our San Francisco office. She started with Mazzetti after graduating from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a degree in environmental engineering and says she fell into the role somewhat randomly – “[Plumbing] was something I had never realized even was a career (the toilet just magically flushes on its own, right?).” Five years later, Chelsea has become an indispensable part of the plumbing team, working on projects of varying size in addition to project management.
Women@Mazzetti Spotlight: Edna Webb
Edna Webb is Mazzetti’s Controller—ensuring the day-to-day financial activities are executed—payments made, general ledger is current, reporting is completed, etc. Edna was previously employed by another engineering firm as an Accounting Manager, before joining Mazzetti  as Controller 11 years ago, working out of the Nashville (Franklin) office.
Women@Mazzetti Spotlight: Erin Black
A fourth-generation engineer, Erin Black is a Mechanical Engineer in Mazzetti's St. Louis office and serves as the current ASHRAE President of the St. Louis Chapter where her grandfather still attends regular meetings. We know she will make an impact on future generations, whether they’re a fourth generation engineer or a first!
Women@Mazzetti Spotlight: Holly Taylor
Holly Taylor works (remotely) in Mazzetti’s Denver office and is the Electrical Discipline Lead for Mazzetti. Holly’s leadership has made the electrical discipline a shining example of how to structure and maintain efficient workflows and resources for everyone to use!