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7/12/18 Troy Savage
Future Childbirth Facilities - Ideating to Solving
Earlier this year, we hosted a workshop to “reimagine” childbirth facilities… Groups of childbirth clinicians (doctors, nurses midwives), architects, engineers, facility owners and others gathered in small groups to consider the optimal birth experience and how we might design processes and spaces to achieve this outcome.
Healthcare Device Requirements – Why research now
The Guidelines for Healthcare Design and Construction, for many years, has included tables listing minimum requirements for the number of electrical, medical gas, and nurse call devices at various locations throughout a healthcare facility... Time to re-examine these requirements through more research with healthcare facilities.
Reimagining Childbirth Facilities: Clinicians + Designers Workshop
Mazzetti is teaming with Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) to organize the 2nd Clinicians + Designers Workshop to reimagine (and improve) critical healthcare spaces. This upcoming workshop will focus specifically on childbirth facilities.
Uniting Clinicians and Designers to Push Beyond Fundamental Requirements
We are launching a program to bring together clinicians from around the country, to work with teams of designers to identify opportunities for improved outcomes at the nexus of health delivery, patient experience, and infrastructure. The first event, September 18, will focus on the Emergency Department--"Reimagining the ED" Design Workshop.