L.E. Phillips Memorial Library


City of Eau Claire

Eau Claire, WI



Lighting Design

Project Lead:

Brennan Schumacher, LEED AP

Principal, Lighting Design Studio Leader

Project Team:

Kait Mendenhall

The L.E Phillips was a major renovation of an existing library in Eau Claire, WI. This award winning library was the most visited destination the downtown area and provides a major resource to families, the university and the community. The 61,000sf major renovation and 6,800sf addition made use of the beautiful exterior brick structure and all of the embodied energy that went into the original 1974 construction. This facility hosts many learning opportunities for the community through the technology labs, maker labs and open classrooms. The large multi-purpose room host community events and the upper level provides a modern gallery for local and traveling art exhibits. The major exterior renovation includes public space for markets, gatherings and art exhibits.

The lighting systems boasts a 53% reduction below the required 2015 IECC Energy Code with a lighting power density of 0.51w/sf for the connect load. The 0.51w/sf beats the current 2021 IECC by almost 40%. In addition, the wireless lighting control system optimizes the energy used through a flexible lighting control system that reduces maintenance, and easy to use. The best part of the wireless control system with daylight and occupancy sensors integrated within the luminaires was the upfront cost savings the owners achieved. The team worked with the trade partners to identify cost savings through a reduction of secondary control devices and the elimination of many low voltage cables as well as the associated labor with these devices. This system also lays the foundation to utilize the wireless network for interior data needs. Lastly, from a true sustainability and embodied energy perspective, the reduction in pipe, wire and resources that were avoided, made the decision to go wireless have a lasting impact on future generations.


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