
Displacement Ventilation Research (Healthcare)


Northern California


Displacement Ventilation Research


Investing in Ventilation Research to improve healthcare environments

Mazzetti formed the Healthcare Ventilation Research Collaborative to evaluate alternative ventilation strategies for healthcare facilities. The research proved displacement ventilation greatly reduced energy consumption, improved the removal of airborne particular matter, and had an increase in ventilation effectiveness thereby improving patient comfort. The research performed went through rigorous testing procedures utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling as well as physical lab testing that was validated by the National Institute of Health. After gaining public acceptance, the ventilation approach was amended to ASHRAE’s Standard 170 and adopted into code.

It was this research initiative that enabled displacement to become a viable option that was ultimately selected as the ventilation system option of choice for Stanford’s Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital project. Mazzetti significantly invests in research to discover new methods to improve the healthcare environments. The healthcare clients we serve and the patients they care for are benefiting from the foursight we provide.

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