When I wrote the first drafts of a book for the World Health Organization (WHO), Health in the Green Economy (anticipated publication date this fall), we attempted to create a crude approximation of greenhouse gas emissions for the Global Health Sector. Data was scant – we had to use various reports we had from different countries on size of health sector, emissions from parts of the sector, etc, but it was a fascinating exercise. One thing we realized was that much of the world contains health facilities that have NO access to energy, or maybe more frequently, poor access to energy. This raised all kinds of issues. (more…)
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Healthcare Facility Standards: How can we influence for the better?
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Abe Lincoln and many others have said some variation of this quote. Still applicable today, I would argue. What better way to do this, than to participate in change-making conversations and activities?! (more…)
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Moving climate change mitigation and adaptation to the forefront
On the road again… I spent the last two days at the annual conference of the International Federation of Healthcare Engineering in Buenos Aires, Argentina. While there, I met with the President of the organization, Luciano Monza, as well as many others. I presented a paper on on-site water treatment (influent and effluent) and energy systems, as exemplified by our post-typhoon work in the Philippines with Project HOPE, and the application of these systems to other facilities through the concept of “Reverse Innovation”. (Side-note, if you’re interested to learn more about this presentation and “Reverse Innovation”, contact us. (more…)
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Energy to Care Momentum on the Rise
Since the ASHE Annual, earlier this month, the Energy to Care program has propelled forward into the spotlight of facility managers and solutions providers alike. In the days since the conference, approximately 100 hospitals signed up directly at the conference or immediately after via Energytocare.com. That’s a quarter of the total participants involved! (more…)
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Vote for Dick! #ASHEBoard
Calling all ASHE members–it’s voting season. The board needs an Associate Member with ample experience, vision and passion to perpetuate ASHE initiatives.
I appreciate you taking the time to read and consider my interests in serving and ask for your vote in the upcoming election. Â –Â Richard (Dick) Moeller, PE, FASHE
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New CA Energy Codes – Radical Changes
At the start of this month, California took a big step toward the CA newly constructed building target— net zero energy by 2030–with the enactment of the 2013 Title 24, chapter 6 Energy Code.
The new energy code contains some of the most radical changes seen for some time. And speaking of time, for most of us who see time as a luxury, here’s a quick cheat sheet for you: (more…)
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Proposed Emergency Preparedness Regulations
On Friday, December 27, 2013, CMS issued proposed new regulations for emergency preparedness by all kinds of medical facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid payments. The proposed regulations intend to prepare the healthcare industry against a wide variety of natural- and human-caused disasters. The regulations note the increasing frequency of such events, ranging from pandemics to terrorist attacks to hurricanes to tornadoes.
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Can Chilled Beams Work in Hospital Patient Rooms?
Chilled beams are an alternative to a conventional fan coil HVAC system, designed to heat or cool buildings. Put simply, pipes of water are inside a beam suspended a short distance from the ceiling of a room. As the beam chills the room’s air around it, it becomes denser and falls to the floor. (more…)
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