Safety is second in line on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Physical shelters, fulfill a role to address this high-priority need. We, in Healthcare, are responsible to maintain some of the most sophisticated and most fragile shelters. How do we maintain our hospitals at the most critical times? We need to be the most comprehensive, valuable “Jack and Jill-of-all-trades” in the industry because if the shelter is not working correctly, not just quality, but lives are on the line. When your hospital is suddenly infiltrated with a surge of patients, needing various level of care, are you ready? This is not merely an issue of planning. Design plays a key role. (more…)
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Water Emergency Planning: Expect the Unexpected
It’s 2:45 am Sunday morning; the phone is ringing off the hook. You answer it, half awake. All you hear are alarm bells and a lot of commotion. The violent background noise makes it difficult to identify the voice of the caller. You realize It’s John the midnight shift Operations Manager from the hospital. Finally, you hear the panicked voice screaming into the phone “WE LOST WATER!! BOILERS HAVE SHUT DOWN!! I NEED HELP NOW!!!” You sling yourself upright, wide-awake now…. (more…)
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The Complex Nature of Medical Equipment Procurement
Given the speed and ease for knowledge-sharing, we are all at a great advantage. I so appreciate all of you, my peers in the industry, who teach me something new, often daily. Equally, I feel compelled to share if I can provide value to the conversation…
I believe there are fundamental misconceptions among some in the Healthcare sector of the A/E Industry around the reasons for medical equipment changes. I hope this post will catalyze more dialogue on this topic to provide more clarity, particularly reasons for equipment changes late in a project. (more…)
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Healthcare Organization Structuring–Focus on people first

I recently had two parallel experiences that have struck me as being highly instructive, in many ways, for me in my service to a client, and to Mazzetti as an organization.
Is centralization THE best way to operate for all healthcare organizations?
First, I was asked by a friend of mine from a hospital to collaborate on a presentation for the Healthcare Design Conference in two weeks. We are two of three presenters, and our topic is about how healthcare organizations can maximize the benefits that come from centralization. (more…)
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