Haiti's Urgent Need for HOPE Combating Cholera

Advancing Energy Efficiency at Healthcare Facilities

Mazzetti partnered with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) in advancing innovation in energy efficiency in healthcare. The U.S. Department of Energy, the Department of Science and Technology and the Government of India provided joint funding for work under a U.S.–India Partnership to Advance Clean Energy Research. The specific US-India program is called CBERD–Center for Building Energy Research and Development. Join the research--become a pilot hospital!
Mazzetti and Cal Poly's Team Tech Team Up Against Cholera

Engineering HOPE in Haiti Post Hurricane Matthew

We were invited by Project HOPE to support them in assessing the needs for the state of Nippes in Haiti, especially as it relates to Cholera, and the possibility of a surge in cases following the recent Hurricane Matthew.
Exploring Creative Plumbing to Help Reduce Healthcare Acquired Infections

Why California Hospitals Need to Prioritize Energy Reduction (Now)

How OHSU is Revolutionizing Pediatric Brain Surgery

Why the Healthcare Facility Director Role is Critical and How to Staff it

Improving Patient Satisfaction: The physical environment matters!

World Hand Hygiene Day: Keep 'em clean!

Inside Look at Healthcare System Malfunctions: How to Best Protect Your Systems

Engineering International Collaboration for Healthcare and Beyond

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