WasteCare Calculator - Help Revolutionize Medical Waste Management

Help revolutionize medical waste management decision making. You’re invited to test WasteCare—Mazzetti’s (BETA) Waste Footprint Calculator--our waste stream environmental impact calculator.
SMART Buildings: What's the SMART strategy?

What happens after you upgrade your building to a lean, mean integrated machine? We NOW have the opportunity to embrace the infrastructure and data generated by connected buildings. This means, more informed decisions for building professionals and owners alike.
Building Capacity & HOPE to Combat Cholera in Haiti

Volunteers from Mazzetti and the Sextant Foundation worked with Project HOPE leadership to design a new Cholera Treatment Center for the public hospital in Miragoane.
Six Changes on the Horizon for California Health Facilities Code

NOTE: This content is primarily intended for AEC professionals doing business in California in Healthcare.
World Water Day - Water Risk Management for Hospitals

On this World Water Day, we're focusing on risk management for our healthcare clients--how to minimize waterborne threats, while maintaining patient safety and care, and avoiding unnecessary costs to do so.
PDC Summit 2017: New Sessions, New People, New Swag

It’s that time of year again--Spring Training, March Madness, and PDC Summit! We're serving up a a great line-up of sessions featuring timely info on energy procurement, hybrid OR's, and even LEAN techniques to reduce energy consumption. See more details...
Tackling Healthcare Costs, One Step at a Time

The APHA challenge, that is going on right now, is the Billion step challenge. APHA is trying to make us the healthiest nation in one generation. This challenge gets us all up and walking and brilliantly combines competition with alignment around something special--to take one billion steps.
ASHRAE Standard 170 - Healthcare Ventilation UPDATES

The ASHRAE 170 Committee—focused on ventilation standards in healthcare-- met at the annual ASHRAE winter conference. Several significant changes are coming that will impact engineers, architects, and owners if implemented. The following are some highlights...
Healthcare Ventilation Standards: Why More Research is Needed

Our hypothesis, though controversial for some, is that we frequently over-ventilate spaces. We don’t truly understand ‘why’ the standards prescribe a certain number of air changes. As a result, hospital owners (likely) are wasting energy dollars without improving indoor air quality.
Fuel Cells for Healthcare Emergency Power

Micro-grids "trending," and our fuel cell knowledge base growing: How will this fit in with regulations?
10 Predictions for the Future of Healthcare

How do we design for the future of healthcare? Thinking deeply about trends and their possible expression, the FGI concluded that the future (with respect to the FGI) was going to look something like this...
Healthcare Ventilation Standards: "One Size Does Not Fit All"

ASHRAE issued this Addendum for what is called “Advisory Public Review”. (i.e. ASHRAE will not necessarily take any particular actions in response to comments received.) They are using this opportunity to collect thinking on the basic soundness of the concepts and identify any big gaps they can fill prior to issuing it for actual public comment.
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