Women of Mazzetti--It's your time, and we're committed!

Mazzetti believes that investing in women yields a host of positive effects on business and sustained economic growth. Therefore, as a company we are giving special interests to grow our knowledge and concerns to bring out the best.
Building Capacity & HOPE to Combat Cholera in Haiti

Volunteers from Mazzetti and the Sextant Foundation worked with Project HOPE leadership to design a new Cholera Treatment Center for the public hospital in Miragoane.
Haiti's Urgent Need for HOPE Combating Cholera

How My Career Landed Me on a Roof to Serve the Community

Dress like "Rosie" - Make the World a Better Place

Energizing via Solar PV and the Human Spirit

“Power of Coaches”

Celebrating our Veterans and the Drive to Serve

How this Solar Partnership is Producing Real Results

Volunteer Solar Installation: Energizing a home and the human spirit.

Clinica De Familia: How solar panels are producing community health.

Team Mazzetti Rides Again for ALS--Will you join us?

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