Senior Associate, Senior Decarbonization Engineer

I have seven years of experience as a mechanical engineer and energy analyst. I have worked on many projects in various markets but most notably in K-12 and healthcare.

My expertise includes energy audits and facility condition assessments, identifying the energy conservation opportunities, and developing energy savings calculations. I am currently leading the development of energy efficient projects for a large Northern California hospital system and medical office buildings.

My Flipside

When I’m not at work, I enjoy being outdoors. Surfing, backpacking, snowboarding, playing soccer, and running. I am from Philadelphia but I have since lived in the NYC area and San Diego before landing in San Francisco.

I make everyday efforts to reduce my carbon footprint and live a more sustainable lifestyle such as recylcing and reducing waste, installing LED lights in my home, minimizing my water use, and biking to work! I even help out family member by giving them advice on making their homes more energy efficient and reducing waste.

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