Mazzetti is an employee-owned Benefit Corporation (and proud of it).
In accordance with California Benefit Corporation Law and the Mazzetti Articles of Incorporation, we are accountable to driving a public benefit to better society and our physical environment.
A Benefit Corporation is a business entity (not a certification), in essence, acting as a hybrid between a not-for-profit company and a for profit company. That is, a Benefit Corporation such as Mazzetti carries both responsibilities — like a not-for-profit, we must provide a specific benefit to society. Like a for-profit, we also pay taxes. As a Benefit Corporation, we are accountable to pursue our mission and report on our performance annually. We have been using B Labs’ B Impact Assessment since 2015.

Similar to an ESG (Environmental Social Governance) Report, the B Impact Assessment measures performance in:
- Governance
- Workers
- Community
- Environment
- Customers
Every year, in addition to our work with clients, we prioritize opportunities to serve both our local and global communities. This work often includes research and education to both advance building codes and advance knowledge of those designing spaces now and in the future.
Through Mazzetti’s 501©3, Sextant, we provide both administrative and often technical support for essential infrastructure projects to implement clean energy and water solutions. Additionally, through our non-profit, we provide administrative leadership and support for the Reimagining Workshops to improve healthcare design.
See our most recent Benefit Corporation Report here.

In 2022, we evolved from a general to a more specific public benefit, directly aligned with our clients’ needs, what we’re most passionate about, and where we can deliver the most impact. We arrived at:
Towards this, we are committed to:
- Maintain our scope 1 and 2 emissions at zero; start tackling scope 3. (Mazzetti has been carbon neutral for scopes 1 and 2 emissions for over a decade.)
- Design at least 10% better than lighting power density code
- “No burn” designing (i.e. We will do everything in our power to not contribute to more CO₂ in the atmosphere.)
- Benchmark the energy consumption of diagnostic medical equipment to better inform our clients and the industry.
See our most recent Greenhouse Gas reporting and respective offsets here.

As a HHS Climate Pledge Signatory (since 2022), we’ve also completed a Climate Resilience Report.

Whether your organization is considering becoming a Benefit Corporation or you’d like to partner on a community event or just interested to learn more, please contact Chief Marketing and Mission Officer, Jess Hamann.
* In February 2022, the professional society representing Professional Engineers, NSPE, adopted a position establishing Climate Change as one of preeminent importance to our profession. “Climate change is real – the impacts are serious, and they are accelerating. There is an urgent imperative for the engineering community to take informed and intentional actions now to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of a changing climate. It is our duty and purpose to contribute our skills and knowledge of human-centered technologies and of the natural world to lead humanity out of the climate crisis with a focus on sustainable, resilient, equitable, and innovative approaches.”