I wrote a couple of weeks ago about my sadness at the politicians who tear us apart, as a people, and my celebration of those who, like many mayors, build our communities and bring us together.
I have recently been trying to have this kind of conversation with a member of my family–a person I love and respect, but who doesn‘t support climate change legislation because he doesn’t believe that climate change is caused by humans. I have been trying to talk to him about the need to understand science through the lens of science, not the lens of politics, and to then have a political discussion about what we can agree upon to deal with what science tells us.
In that light, I sent this Scientific American article to a family member, featuring a rather compelling expression of climate science that I wanted to share with anyone who reads this, as I think it is so well done, and so illustrative of the science that is demanding all of us to take action. Check out the “One Simple Comic Explains Climate Change” here.
One of the organizations I work with and volunteer for regularly is the American Society of Healthcare Engineers (ASHE). It has members from all over the political spectrum. But, ASHE does not shrink from science; rather, it works to build solutions, including saving energy, that all of its members can agree upon.
Global warming is not a political issue. The health implications of global warming are not a political issue. How we address these challenges can be a political issue. In the end, I hope we can find ways, like ASHE’s Energy to Care program, to come together as a community and to do the things we need to do to make the world a better place.
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